Encrypting a website with all its sub-domains is costly and requires a lot of effort and care in administration. Wildcard SSL provides help here: A Secorio Wildcard SSL certificate can encrypt a single domain and all its first-level sub-domains with a single certificate.

Wildcard SSL Certificates enables companies to encrypt its main domain and an unlimited number of sub-domains with a single certificate. This solution saves the expenditure of managing multiple SSL certificates. In addition, wildcards offers maximum flexibility: sub-domains can be added to the website without the need to order and pay for a new certificate.

With the cost-effective and efficient use of Secorio Wildcard SSL Certificates, any number of subdomains can be encrypted with the same certificate. Because of the high flexibility of the wildcard structure, you can later create new sub-domains without having to replace your production certificates. Wildcards are also available for sub-subdomains (for example, *

*Easy Administration

Secorio Wildcard SSL Certificates provides encryption for any number of sub-domains with a single certificate. This can significantly reduce your administrative costs, especially in complex or dynamic environments with many domain names or were domain structures often changes.

*Strongest Encryption

Secorio's Wildcard SSL Certificates provides the strongest available SSL cryptography with SHA-256 and 2048-bit RSA keys as well as ECC support.

*Browser Trustworthiness

Browser compatibility plays a crucial role in choosing an SSL provider. Secorio Certificates are compatible with all popular browsers (+ 99.9%), thus ensuring confidence in your website.

*Server Licensing

Each SSL certificate contains an unlimited server license so you can encrypt all your physical servers.



Price comparison
Enterprise SSL Pro Wildcard Certificate

  •                   EUR 2’759.95
  •         EUR 2’268.11
  •            EUR 2’061.92

Enterprise Wildcard SSL under EUR 2’000

2 Years for EUR 1’981.00
get an additional 20% discount with the voucher code SECORIO20

An SSL Certificate Is Bound To The Server And The FQDN Of The Website To Be Encrypted. This Requires One Certificate Per FQDN. If The Common Name In The SSL Certificate Does Not Match The FQDN, The Browser Reports An Error.   Many Companies Have Structured Their Online Presence So That They Have A Main Domain, Such As Yourdomain.Com As Well As A Number Of Subdomains Such As E.G. Shop.Yourdomain.Com And Secure.Yourdomain.Com. Each Subdomain Requires A Separate Certificate. Wildcard SSL Gives The Advantage Of Encrypting An Unlimited Number Of Sub-Domains (And Servers) With One Certificate. In The Above Example, A Wildcard In The Format Of * .Yourdomain.Com Would Be Able To Encrypt The Subdomains Shop.Yourdomain.Com, Secure.Yourdomain.Com, Anything.Yourdomain.Com. A Wildcard SSL Not Only Minimize The Administration Of SSL Certificates, But Also Reduces The Cost. Wildcard SSL Certificates From Secorio Along With * .Yourdomain.Com Also Contains Yourdomain.Com.
Viele Unternehmen strukturieren ihren Online Auftritt so, dass sie eine Hauptdomäne wie z.B. sowie eine Reihe von Subdomänen wie z.B. und haben. Mit jeder Subdomäne wird ein separates Zertifikat benötigt. Wildcard SSL bietet den Vorteil, mit einem Zertifikat eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Subdomänen (und Server) zu sichern. Beim obenerwähnten Beispiel würde ein Wildcard im Format von * die Subdomains,, sichern können. Ein Wildcard SSL spart nicht nur Aufwand für die Administration von SSL Zertifikaten, sondern reduziert auch die Einstandskosten. Wilcard SSL Zertifikate von Secorio enthalten nebst * immer auch

The Use Of Sub-Domains Is Unlimited: Mail Servers, FTP Servers, Member Areas, Etc. Each Sub-Domain Is Often Its Own Website - With Wildcard Certificates You Can Avoid The Time-Consuming Task Of Managing Multiple Certificates. A Regular Or Single Domain SSL Certificate Secures The Base Domain, But Not Any Of Its Sub-Domains Making In Many Cases A Wildcard SSL An Ideal Solution.

Ordering And Installing A Wildcard SSL Certificate Is Not Different From Other Certificates. The Main Difference Is That When You Create The Certificate Signing Request (CSR), You Place A Star At The Subdomain Level, Which Means *.Yourdomain.Com Is The Common Name. This Means That You Encrypt Any Sub-Domain At That Level Of Your URL. *.Yourdomain.Com Then Can Encrypt Www.Yourdomain.Com, Secure.Yourdomain.Com, Anything.Yourdomain.Com - And Also Yourdomain.Com.

Wildcard SSL Certificates Are Available In 2 Validation Classes: Organizational-Validated With Validation And Registration Of The Organization Name For Higher Trustworthiness. Or Domain-Validated Without Validation And Without Registration Of The Organization Name. Wildcard SSL Certificates Are Not Available With The Validation Level "Extended Validation" (EV). The CAB Forum, The Responsible Authority For The EV Standard, Has Decided That The FQDNs Must Be Present For EV SSL, Which Is Not The Case With Wildcard SSL.

Yes, Different FQDNs Can Be Combined With One Or More Wildcard Domains In One Certificate. Like E.G. Secure.Yourdomain.Com, Secure.Yourdomain.Net, * .Yourdomain.Info. Please Contact Us For A Specific Offer.

Yes, Several Wildcard Domains Can Be Combined Into One Certificate, Such As. * .Yourdomain.Com And * .Yourdomain.Net. Please Contact Us For A Specific Offer.

When Planning A UCC And Exchange Environment, The Question Often Arises As To Whether The FQDNs Should Be Secured With A Unified Communications Certificate, Or Possibly With A Wildcard SSL. Unified Communications Certificates Are Always A Good Choice, But From Microsoft Exchange 2010 You Can Also Use Wildcard SSL.

When Generating The CSR File For A Wildcard SSL, Please Note That The Common Name Must Be Entered In The Following Format: * .Yourdomain.Com.

Wildcard SSL Can Only Encrypt One Sub-Domain Level. If Several Sub-Domain Levels Are To Be Encrypted, A Separate Wildcard SSL Is Required For Each Sub-Domain Level. Or A Certificate That Contains Several Wildcard Domains. If Your Sub-Domains Are Administrated By Different Entities, Each Entity Requires The Wildcard SSL Certificate Together With The Private Key. The Private Key Needs Be Treated With Confidentially, And It Is Therefore Important That It Is Handled And Transferred Carefully. If You Are Using Only One Copy Of A Wildcard SSL With Only One Private Key Company-Wide, A Re-Issuance And New Installations Of The Certificate On The Web Servers Becomes Necessary In Case The Private Key Gets Compromised. Confidential Handling Of The Private Key Is Therefore Crucial.