Expand Your Microsoft Certification Authority And Protect Non-Windows Devices Across The Enterprise

Businesses use private CAs for their internal certificates to support a growing number of use cases, including mobile devices, IoT, DevOps, and cloud / multi-cloud. While Microsoft CA provides a seamless way to manage certificates for Windows-based servers and devices, it does not help with the growing number of non-Windows devices in today's business. Make your company future-proof and ensure greater security with Private PKI.

Under a private CA, companies can create their own private root certificates, which issue private end-of-identity certificates for their internal servers and users. Our private CA solution provides customers with a complete, managed PKI solution designed to alleviate problems.

Private CA, part of Certificate Manager (SCM), provides organizations with a cost-effective way to secure and manage their private intranet certificates in compliance with corporate and industry compliance standards. Through this platform, administrators can issue, view, and manage their intranet certificates in addition to their external certificates to avoid risks, errors, or hidden events

*What Is A Private CA?

A private certification authority is a company-specific certification authority that functions like a publicly trusted authority CA but is operated exclusively by or for a specific company. Under a private CA, the organization creates its own private root certificate that can be used to issue private end entity certificates for its internal servers and users. Certificates issued by a private certification authority are not "publicly trusted" and are not effective outside the company's privately controlled infrastructure.

*Why Do Companies Need A Private Certification Authority?

Organizations may need to extend the use of certificates and PKIs in the organization for the following use cases:

• VPN or WLAN authentication
• Device authentication, including mobile devices or BYOD
• Internet of Things (IoT) projects
• Securing communication between internal services

In addition, companies may have requirements that cause some of their certificates to differ from the types of certificates that a public, globally trusted certification authority can offer. To maintain compliance without incurring high costs, User our Private PKI to administrate your Certificates.

Using the Certificate Manager (SCM), you can easily and efficiently secure a private CA.

*Use The Private PKI Solution To Protect Your Non-Microsoft Devices And Applications

Businesses use private CAs for their internal certificates to support a growing number of use cases, including mobile devices, IoT, DevOps, and cloud / multi-cloud. While Microsoft CA provides a seamless way to manage certificates for Windows-based servers and devices, it does not help with the growing number of non-Windows devices in today's business.

*Extend Your Microsoft Certification Authority With Private PKI

With Private PKI, you can easily run a private certification authority in the cloud or locally to protect both your Windows and non-Windows devices and applications. With Private PKI you can secure and automate the management of your internal devices and applications, regardless of existing internal protocols, while future-proofing your business.

The private PKI provides companies with an upgrade path that allows them to manage all Windows and non-Windows devices with a single private certification authority. This saves time and money.