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Mein Zertifikat lässt sich nicht installieren oder ich habe Konfigurationsprobleme

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The certificate may have been downloaded using the wrong browser. It is imperative that you use Internet Explorer for the Windows operating system and Safari for macOS. Otherwise it is not possible to generate the private key or view it when you pick up the certificate. If the wrong browser was used, please replace the certificate.

If you have to replace the certificate because you used the wrong browser, you can log in to your account using the following link. Have the order number (from Sectigo) and the username and password you used when applying for it ready: Replacement of an S / MIME certificate

If you no longer know your password for your account, please use this link: Reset password

As soon as you are logged into the user interface, you can replace and reissue the certificate under Personal Authentication Certificatss> Replace .
Unfortunately, we cannot reset passwords that you set directly on your computer (such as that from your backup).

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