
The right certificates at the right prices. Free test certificates for students and academic researchers.

30 days free S/MIME email certificate
30 days free SSL Internet security certificate
45 days of free HackerGuardian PCI scan

Educational institutions need certificates to protect student and faculty personal information (PII), credit card numbers, and other potentially sensitive information such as timetables and academic records.


The same IT security requirements apply in education as in a company - but not always the same budget. Secorio offers a range of SSL certificates with different validation levels to meet your specific requirements. Save money and hassle with multi-domain or wildcard certificates. Volume discounts are granted. In addition to SSL certificates, S/MIME e-mail certificates are also offered to companies in the education sector at preferential terms.


Secorio offers 30-day test certificates free of charge. If you have problems with an untrustworthy certificate, you can use Domain Validation (DV) certificates from Secorio to temporarily secure your website. They are perfect for students, lecturers and researchers who need certificates for the implementation of projects, but ultimately do not need long-term protection.


Always-on-SSL (AOSSL) to suppress browser warnings and to optimize search engine optimization. Every consumer is advised to secure each page with SSL certificates for two reasons:

  • Google Chrome gibt auf JEDER Seite ohne SSL eine Warnung «Nicht sicher» aus, unabhängig davon, ob die Seite Transaktionen durchführt oder persönliche Informationen weitergibt.
    Security warnings can reduce engagement and transactions on the website. To remove these messages, sites should use Always-on SSL (AOSSL) by using https for all pages on all sites.
  • Popular search engines give pages with SSL a better search ranking, regardless of whether they make transactions or share personal information.