
92% of internet users fear that their credit cards will be stolen online. Research has shown that the presence of this branded address bar (often referred to as the “green address bar” because most browsers highlight your company's name in green) increases consumer confidence in online businesses and therefore in transactions.


Adhere to the payment providers you rely on.

Not all online merchants know that EV SSL is an important part of the policies that their companies have established that allow them to collect payments online.


Retailers and B2B e-commerce companies can improve the performance of online shops by making smart decisions about SSL certificates. Online sellers should use EV-SSL certificates on all publicly available websites to maximize transaction rates, positive branding, compliance and SEO.

Extended validation SSL for maximum online sales –> EV SSL: Your key to maximizing online trust

EV SSL is an effective tool to make your online business trustworthy so that visitors are ready to make transactions or exchange confidential information online. When you place an EV SSL certificate on your website, popular browsers insert your company name directly into their user interface next to the address bar.


Always-on-SSL (AOSSL) zum Vermeiden von Browser-Warnmeldungen und Optimieren der Suchmaschinenoptimierung.

Every company site is recommended to secure each page with SSL certificates for two reasons.

  • Google Chrome gibt auf JEDER Seite ohne SSL eine Warnung «Nicht sicher» aus, unabhĂ€ngig davon, ob die Seite Transaktionen durchfĂŒhrt oder persönliche Informationen weitergibt. Sicherheitswarnungen können das Engagement und die Transaktionen auf der Website verringern. Um diese Warnmeldungen zu vermeiden, sollten Sites Always-on SSL (AOSSL) verwenden, indem sie https fĂŒr alle Seiten auf allen Sites verwenden.
  • Popular search engines give pages with SSL a better search ranking, regardless of whether they make transactions or share personal information.