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Radware Alteon Application Switch SSL-Installation

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Radware Alteon Application Switch

If You Have Not Yet Generated a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and Ordered Your Certificate,
read Creating a CSR for Radware Alteon Application Switch .

SSL installation for the Radware Alteon Application Switch

  1. Create a PEM file by pasting the contents of www_yourdomain_com.crt at the beginning of the intermediate certificate chain file SECTIGORSACA.crt and then copying this file to the clipboard.
  2. Log on to the Alteon Application Switch device.
  3. Type cfg and press Enter.
  4. Type cert and press Enter.
  5. Paste the contents of the PEM file of the certificate chain created in step 1 and press Enter.
  6. Enter 3 points: and press Enter.
  7. Enter apply .
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