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Wie funktionieren E-Mail-Client-Zertifikate?

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A client certificate (also known as a digital ID or personal ID) is used to verify a person's identity.

  • Allow access to a specific application, website or interface, as well as devices (laptops or mobile devices).
  • Signs and encrypts e-mails digitally with the S/MIME protocol (Secure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), which checks the sender and prevents manipulation.
  • Provides advanced security measures in the event that a username or password is misplaced or stolen.

Note: Client certificates can prevent tampering, access to secure environments, device authentication, encryption of emails and digitally restricted emails.

How S/MIME certificates work

Client authentication certificates
Client certificates (authentication certificates) are used for two-factor authentication. Once a server is configured for client certificate authentication, a user is granted access to it as soon as the client presents the correct client certificate.
Note: Without the correct client certificate, the user cannot access the server via a web browser

S/MIME e-mail certificates improve the security profile of your e-mail communication in three ways:
  • Authenticates the sender
  • Encrypts email content and attachments
  • Ensures message integrity
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Email client certificates
Email client certificates have a public and a private key pair. Your private key remains with you and is used to sign outgoing emails and to decrypt incoming emails that have been encrypted with your public key. Your own public key is then used to verify your signature and to encrypt emails sent to you.

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Click here to receive your free email certificate (digital ID).

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