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CSR-Erstellung und SSL-Installation unter Adobe Connect

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Learn how to set up and install Adobe Connect 7 Pro using SSL. Hopefully, if you have problems with CSR creation or SSL installation, you can fix any issues that you may have encountered in understanding the Adobe documentation.

If you don't have OpenSSL (a popular SSL manipulation tool), you should download it online before proceeding.

Create CSRs and private keys in Adobe Connect 7 Pro

  • You must create two private key and certificate signature request files. You send the CSRs to Sectigo along with your certificate orders or reissue requests. Add a .pem extension to your .key files (they should be named or
  • Copy the PEM keys from the previous step into the Adobe Connect root installation folder. These files will be used to install your certificates as soon as you receive your signed certificate files back from Sectigo.

SSL installation in Adobe Connect 7 Pro

You can proceed with the installation of your certificate as soon as your order has been confirmed and you have received your signed certificate files from Sectigo. These will be sent to you by email or can be downloaded to your account by clicking on the order number after the certificates have been issued.

  • Open your .pem keys separately as if you were opening a text file (an encrypted text string should appear, starting with the BEGIN and END tags).
  • Open the files connect_yourdomain_com.crt and connectdomain_yourdomain_com.crt, which you have received back from Sectigo, also as text files.
  • Copy the entire text (including start and end tags) of each certificate file and paste it into the corresponding .key.pem files immediately after the END tag of the key (in the next line of text).
  • Next, open your SectigoCA.crt file (this is the same for both certificates) and paste the bulk of this file at the bottom of both text files after the end tags for the server certificates.
  • DNS entries for and should already be set up. Before completing the SSL installation, make sure that there are no test host entries on the server for these two entries.
  • Open and save [Path to \\ comserv \\ win32 \\ conf_defaultRoot \\ Adapter.xml]. Replace the SSL block (a bit further below) with the following text block and replace the text in brackets with the information that applies to your configuration:
    <Edge name = ‹applicationserver›>
    <SSLCertificateFile> [<Verbindungsinstallationspfad> \\\\] </ SSLCertificateFile>
    <SSLCertificateKeyFile type = ‹PEM›> [ <Verbindungsinstallationspfad> \\\\] </ SSLCertificateKeyFile>
    <SSLPassPhrase> mypassphrase </ SSLPassPhrase>
    <SSLCipherSuite> ALL:! ADH:! LOW:! EXP:! MD5: @STRENGTH </ SSLCipherSuite>
    <SSLSessionTimeout> 5 </ SSLSessionTimeout>
    </ SSLServerCtx>
    </ Edge>
    <Edge name = ‹meetingserver›>
    <SSLCertificateFile> [\\\\] < / SSLCertificateFile>
    <SSLCertificateKeyFile type = ‹PEM›> [\\\\] </ SSLCertificateKeyFile>
    <SSLPassPhrase> mypassphrase </ SSLPassPhrase>
    <SSLCipherSuite> ALL:! ADH:! LOW:! EXP:! MD5: @STRENGTH </ SSLCipherSuite>
    <SSLSessionTimeout> 5 </ SSLSessionTimeout>
    </ SSLServerCtx>
    </ Edge>
    </ SSL >
  • Find the node in the same adaptor.xml file. There will likely be a line of uncommented text similar to the following:
    <HostPort name = ‹edge1›> $ Unbekanntes Makro: {DEFAULT_FCS_HOSTPORT} </ HostPort>
  • Ersetzen Sie den gesamten Textblock durch den folgenden Text:
    <HostPort name = ‹applicationserver’ctl_channel =›: 19351 ‹> Ihre Anwendungsserver-IP: -443 </ HostPort>
    <HostPort name =› meetingserver’ctl_channel = ‹: 19350›> Ihre Besprechungsserver-IP: -443 </ HostPort>
  • Öffnen Sie als Nächstes [<Installationspfad für Verbindung> \\\\ custom.ini] und fügen Sie den folgenden Code ganz am Ende dieser Datei hinzu:
    ADMIN_PROTOCOL = https: //
    \\\\\\\\ SSL_ONLY = yes
    HTTPS_PORT = 8443
    RTMP_SEQUENCE = rtmps: // external-host: 443 /? Rtmp: // localhost: 8506 /

    Save and close your customer.ini file.

  • Öffnen und sichern Sie jetzt Ihre VHost.xml-Datei unter [<Verbindungsinstallationspfad> \\\\ comserv \\\\ win32 \\\\ conf_defaultRoot_defaultVHost _ \\\\ VHost.xml].
  • Your RouteEntry node should be empty. Find this section and replace it with:
    <RouteEntry protocol = ‹rtmp›>:; *: $
    Unbekanntes Makro: {ORIGIN_PORT}
    </ RouteEntry>

    Save and close the VHost.xml file after replacing this section.

  • Restart Adobe Connect Enterprise Server and Adobe Connect Meeting Server services.
  • Open the application management console by going to http: // localhost: 8510 / console and under Server Settings change the Connect Pro host to your domain connect.meinedomä and the external name for the host mapping to ,
  • Restart the Adobe Connect Enterprise Server and Adobe Connect Meeting Server services.

Your Adobe Connect server should now work properly and switch all non-secure traffic to SSL.

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